Sunday, March 31, 2013

My bad!!

MY BAD... I have been a horrible blogger!!! OMG time has flown by! I am not even sure where the time has gone since my last post in December and this one on the last day of March.   These last three months have been busy.  I came off Winter Break and hit the ground running with teaching. That takes up about 10-12 hours of my day then sleeping takes up about 10 hours. Which leaves me 2-4 free hours a day. (during the week). I started going to the gym so I could keep my focus on something other than teaching and not trying for a baby. I did good with going to the gym up until I got laryngitis. Which took everything out of me for 3 weeks! Who knew having no voice could make a person so tired.  I am now going to start anew tomorrow when the gym opens :)   Besides teaching I have been spending a lot of time with some amazing friends! They have kept me sain these last 8 months! We are all constantly together and there for each other. We don't go a day with out talking to each other and having someone right down the road that I can count on makes the world of a difference
    Back to teaching...well my time is up teaching at WLS. Since I was just a temporary teacher the position did not last all year long. My time ended before we thought but I still enjoyed my time teaching 20 wonderful kids.  I will never forget this school year. I know these babies have a bright future.  I am going to miss them the last 6 weeks of school. I will sub in the school system for the remainder of the year and still be apart of their graduation and end of the year events.  I just get summer 6 weeks early. lol
   We also have been very busy at the Thomas residence! We have been working very hard to get our house ready to sell.  We have loved our second Thomas residence but it is time to move on. We knew we wouldn't be staying here forever so this will be a good change. We have had tons of memories in this house with family and friends. Both our jobs are about 45-60 minutes away now so we will be moving closer to both our jobs. We have found a wonderful house that we love and just waiting to close and we are needing to sell our place. 
        Now just a little bit on our ttc journey. We have not been trying at all these last three months. It actually has been really nice. No schedule or worry about what day it is.  I am glad that we took a little time off and just lived. We are not sure when we will start up on the journey again but for right now husband and wife works for us!