Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Waiting on that 13x11

On June 8th I FINALLY I went in for an update Ultra sound!  I was wanting a U/S more than anything! For the two weeks before my appointment I felt like my back was breaking from the pain I was feeling. I took ALL pain medications that I could think of. The only thing that helped was a heating pad and laying down. I even had to take a pill from when I had surgery so I could get some relief.  It was literally driving me crazy. There were times that I couldn't control my emotions because I was blinded by the pain... THANK THE LORD Stephen is a wonderful, understanding and loving husband because I was pretty close to insane! All I wanted were answers and the doctor wouldn't let me come in till day 3...even though I hadn't gotten to day 1. I kept thinking that as long as my cysts were gone then all this pain had been worth it. I went to the doctor that Friday...I had to go alone since Stephen had to work. I HATE going alone. Last time I had to sit in the parking garage alone and cry me eyes out and then calm down enough to drive in Nashville. I was brought right back since I was only there for a U/S. As I sit in the room ..where you ALWAYS feel uncomfortable..I prayed over and over again. "Please Lord let me be healed from my cysts".  During my ultrasound I kept praying it in my head. The tech wasn't saying ANYTHING!!! Which made me nervous, She was taking her time and still not saying ANYTHING! Then finally told me that I had just one small cyst left in my right ovary! I had released the three other cysts and they were now gone. I finally could breathe and the bricks were lifted off my chest or should I say ovaries lol.  She told me that the one left was small and only 13mmx11mm! That it was starting to collapse and it should do it on its own. My doctor wanted to start me back on Clomid--only 50mg for 5 days instead of the 100mg for 5 days. I was not ready for all of that. I have been going and going since January. I know I need to be aggressive due to my egg problem. I was ready for a break emotionally and physically. I told the doctor that I didn't want to take any more birth control or Clomid and I wanted June and possibly July off. I wanted to remember what it felt like to just be a married couple. A normal couple who has been married for 3 years and enjoy each others company. Instead of worry and heartache--like we have felt for the past two years. And so we are waiting... waiting on that 13x11 and enjoying each others company and having stress free fun together!

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