Thursday, May 3, 2012


My name is Brittany. I am 24 years old  and the thing that I want most more than anything in the world is to start a family with my wonderful husband Stephen.  This blog is for me to share that journey --past events, present and future-- happenings of this journey.   There will be happy, so-so, and sad posts here. I will spill my heart out and try to be completely honest, more-so for myself than anything.

Stephen and I first met September of 2003. I remember the day like it was yesterday.  I had to do "time for time" because I had missed four days of school. My twin, Michelle,had one of those annoying child development babies so she was staying after school to hitch a ride so she wouldn't kill the baby on the bus. I had walked into my twin's 6th period Geometry class to see her and my best friend Paige. I stood and talked to Paige for a minute and Stephen was there talking with us. My twin then walks up to our group. Stephen proceeds to look at me- look back at Michelle-look at me--look at Michelle; then he lifts up his hands and says "There are two of you!!" I knew at that moment that I liked him.  It could have been his very handsome dimples, the amazing red/ginger hair, or the sleep crease on his forehead from sleeping all of math class I am not sure what it was but I couldn't forget him.


                                                          Our first picture together
                                                Together in Geometry class--oh that jacket

 Since I conveniently worked in the school office I found out his schedule and locker number the next day. Stalker can anyone say :D.  I also made sure I was around his classes (luckily we went to a one hallway high school) and locker so I could always sneak in a couple Hi's and how are you's. I talked to him everyday since that day. I had my best friend find out if he liked me. I wrote him notes though he only wrote back twice--once in my notebook and once in my year book. (I still have both of those notes 9 years later!!)  We did the high school dating thing for the whole school year. We only talked at school and only saw each other at school.    July 19, 2004 we went on our first date!   My mom was out of town and I was with best friend Paige's house. We each told her mom that my mom was okay with me going out with him :).   So we he picked me up in his wonderful white Mustang and we went to...Starbucks. Just sat and talked for hours!!   The following weekend we went on "mom's first date".    We stayed together until January 2005 and we broke it off.  We stayed friends after he graduated and saw each other a couple times. August 2006 we connected again :)  I was now at college and we were on the same campus everyday. Ever since then we have been together :)   July 17, 2008 he asked me to marry him on top of a waterfall :0.  I said "YES"!   July 18 2009 we said our vows in front of 150+ family and friends.  June 2010 we bought our first house and decided that we wanted to start trying for a family.   The road has been long and hard but we have held strong to each other. I love him more than the whole wide world. With out  him I would be lost and utterly alone.  He has loved me through sooo much over the years.  He has just loved me. As I know one day when we have children he will just love them for who they are.   So join me on this journey of life. I hope we both learn something from it.

Rock Island Falls where he proposed :)
       Rock Island- Where he proposed, we were standing all the small spot between the two falls!

                                                     Engagement Photo


                                  July 18, 2009 --wedding photo by Nashville Photography Group

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