Tuesday, May 15, 2012

God and My IPod

When I was in college my best friend Rachel and I would just drive around town listening to music and talking about this that or the other. We often needed God's guidance with whatever this that or the other was concerning. So we would get out the trusty ole I pod  and ask God to speak to us through our music. (I now use Pandora as well). Between the two of us we had thousands upon thousands of songs. Varying from all sorts of genre of music. We would pray before hand or just really ask God openly to help us and then press play. Some people may think this as kinda crazy and we shouldn't take heed to what songs come up to play. BUT I have always taken to heart what always ended up playing. Not sure if it was because it always ended up what we needed to hear or if we made it fit our situation but it always worked. I heard God and what he wanted mer to know. Sometimes it would cause tears. Other times it would be a sense of calmness. Sometimes we laughed.   I still play this "game" and every time I do I truly believe that God is speaking to me. God can do anything right?! Why not pick the songs that randomly play out of the 3000 plus songs that I have?! You hear people on the radio say that they heard a song play just at the right time. That is still God speaking to them. Just in my instance I ask God to speak to me.  I like to think God is linked to whatever is going on in my life. Be it I get that stop light and miss a horrible wreck or I have to stand in line at the grocery a little longer and am able to witness to someone behind me. (I'll have to tell you how I talked to God in Wal-Mart sometime). So I truly and honestly believe that God can control my Ipod, radio, or Pandora whatever it may be and give me guidance. Sometimes we just need something that profound to be there. All this made me think of when I was getting ready a few weeks back for church. I was talking to God and myself about how I just needed him to help me get through this whole trying to conceive aka TTC process. I asked him to guide me and to take away my pain that I was feeling. I then pressed play on Pandora Christian Radio. Lo and behold "Strong Enough" was the first song played. I literally just burst into tears. I cried out to God and just let come out while the song played.  That is also when I got the idea that maybe I should write all this out for myself and for others to have hope. Even though at times my hope and belief is all but gone I still hold on--barley but a pinky finger can keep a promise for a life time why not keep a hold of hope?   A lot of songs that I hear speak to me and you will probably hear a lot about them.     Just remember that God can speak in so many different ways :)  

Don't be afraid to ask God to speak to you but also don't be afraid to open your heart up to listen.

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